tagged articles with: church

Catholic church: Big Society is failing

Catholic church: Big Society is failing

Jonathan Wynne-Jones - The Telegraph - World Issues el Sun, Apr 17th 2011

Archbishop Nichols said there was a worrying tendency for the poorer sections of society to be worst affected by cuts and accused the banks of failing to contribute their share to helping the victims of the economic crisis.

The daunting journey from faith to faith

The daunting journey from faith to faith

Stephen Hough - Telegraph - Church Issues el Thu, Mar 10th 2011

Concert pianist, Stephen Hough, writes about becoming a catholic.
All those years ago, when I became a Catholic, it was as if I’d walked through a huge, forbidding door. But now I thank God that when people make that journey, the door no longer closes with a forbidding click; it is left swinging open, with the light shining through.  

"On this rock I will build my Church.”

"On this rock I will build my Church.”

Fr. James Kennedy, cmf - Homilies el Fri, Mar 4th 2011

Jesus uses the world ROCK several times. When he called Peter he said, “You are Peter and on this rock I will build my Church.” Peter himself wasn’t actually a rock, as his unfolding story shows, but he was to be the titular leader of a group of which Jesus himself would be the rock.

What Happens with the Church in China?

What Happens with the Church in China?

Alberto Rossa, cmf - Church Issues el Mon, Jan 31st 2011

China’s official Xinhua News Agency quoted a spokesperson of the State Administration for Religious Affairs as saying the Vatican misunderstood the current situation of the Chinese Church and was trying to use religion to implement its political values.