tagged articles with: church

Vatican's deputy official for religious to lead Indianapolis archdiocese

Vatican's deputy official for religious to lead Indianapolis archdiocese

Reporters - Religious el Fri, Oct 19th 2012

“I was quite surprised three weeks ago when I was told the Holy Father wished me to serve in the Archdiocese of Indianapolis. … Together we accept this mission and in the eyes of faith, we allow God to surprise us, because we know that God is faithful.” Since Aug. 2010, Archbishop Tobin has been secretary of the Congregation for Institutes of Consecrated Life and Societies of Apostolic Life.

Pope says he is a ‘pilgrim of peace’ as he arrives in Lebanon

Pope says he is a ‘pilgrim of peace’ as he arrives in Lebanon

By Francis X Rocca - Church News el Sat, Sep 15th 2012

Pope Benedict XVI has arrived in Lebanon, saying that he comes “as a pilgrim of peace, as a friend of God and as a friend of men”. In his remarks at a welcoming ceremony at Beirut’s airport, Pope Benedict praised Lebanon, with a mixed population of Christians and Muslims, for its distinctive record of “coexistence and respectful dialogue”.

Chinese Government punishes Heilongjiang priests

Chinese Government punishes Heilongjiang priests

UCAnews - Harbin - Reporters el Tue, Jul 31st 2012

Reprisals against clergy who resisted illicit ordination. The Sacred Heart of Jesus Church in Harbin where the illicit ordination took place on July 6. The government is exacting revenge against seven priests in Heilongjiang province who resisted the illicit episcopal ordination of Father Joseph Yue Fusheng in Harbin earlier this month, local Church sources say.

The Church will be an Olympic winner

The Church will be an Olympic winner

Vladimir Felzmann - Catholic Herald - Articles el Fri, Jul 27th 2012

A priest involved in preparations for the Olympics says the Games will be an extraordinary moment for Catholics in Britain. Viewed with the optic of faith the Olympic Games (July 27 to August 12) and the Paralympics (August 29 to September 9) may reveal the glory of God that is, as St Irenaeus of Lyon said, humanity fully alive.

The story of the Reformation needs reforming

The story of the Reformation needs reforming

Eamon Duffy - The Telegrpah - Ecumenism el Sun, Jun 24th 2012

For five centuries England has been in denial about the role of Roman Catholicism in shaping it. The coin in your pocket declares the monarch to be Defender of the Faith. Since 1558 that has meant the Protestant faith, but Henry VIII actually got the title from the Pope for defending Catholicism against Luther.  The destruction of most of the libraries, music and art of England was not a religious breakthrough but a cultural calamity

The Orthodox Church of Ukraine

The Orthodox Church of Ukraine

Michael J.L. La Civita - Ecumenism el Fri, Jun 15th 2012

"Confusion characterizes Orthodox Christianity in Ukraine. Not one but three groups claim legitimacy as the national church of the predominantly Eastern Christian country."  Watching "Europe 12 -  Football Competition" helps us to think beyond sports and kicking a ball entertaiment. How is the Church in Ukraine?

The work of the Holy Spirit

The work of the Holy Spirit

L'Osservatore Romano - Articles el Sun, May 27th 2012

Jesus not only promised the coming of the Spirit, he also communicated  to his disciples the day of the Resurrection as the first paschal gift, and the day of Pentecost as the outpouring of the Spirit on the young Church, gathered together in prayer around Mary.

Catholics in Inner Mongolia appeal for prayers amid repression

Catholics in Inner Mongolia appeal for prayers amid repression

UCAnews - JPIC News el Sat, May 26th 2012

 “It is very likely that the faithful have to quietly pass Pentecost this Sunday, one of the four major church feasts widely celebrated in China, as they did so at Easter,” a source told UCA News. To avoid arrest, underground priests remain in hiding and cannot carry out normal pastoral work because they have refused to support the patriotic association, the source said.

Sistine Chapel Choir Performs 1st Concert in Britain

Sistine Chapel Choir Performs 1st Concert in Britain

Reporter - Activities el Thu, May 10th 2012

The Sistine Chapel Choir, the Cappella Musicale Pontificia ‘Sistina,’ performed its first ever concert in Britain at Westminster Cathedral last Sunday. 6th of May. The Sistine Chapel Choir is the Holy Father’s personal choir and consists of 20 men and 35 boys (aged 8 to 13) along with its director, Monsignor Massimo Palombella.

Religious life is like the wheel: people keep on reinventing it.

Religious life is like the wheel: people keep on reinventing it.

Christopher Jamison OSB - The Tablet - Religious el Wed, May 2nd 2012

‘The future depends on the possibility of dialogue between the old and new orders’.
Religious life is like the wheel: people keep on reinventing it. This is good in so far as it shows the Lord reinvigorating this important part of the Church’s life. What’s problematic is that new religious orders soon make the sorts of mistakes from which experience could save them while the old orders quietly fade away for lack of new life.

Pope prays for vocations to priesthood

Pope prays for vocations to priesthood

David Kerr - Priests el Mon, Apr 30th 2012

On Sunday, the World Day of Prayer for Vocations, Pope Benedict XVI asked families, communities and local parishes to help young men in discerning their vocation to the priesthood.  “In particular, families are the first environment into which ‘breathes’ the love of God, which gives inner strength even in the midst of the difficulties and trials of life.”

Laity to the rescue

Laity to the rescue

Bernard Cotter - The Tablet - Church Issues el Sat, Apr 28th 2012

Most bishops in Britain are faced with the dilemma of how to respond to a shortage of priests and fewer practising Catholics. Here, a rural parish priest envisages a larger role for laypeople to keep churches open.

‘Illicit’ bishop takes part in China ordination

‘Illicit’ bishop takes part in China ordination

UCAnews - Church News el Fri, Apr 27th 2012

Bishop Methodius Qu Ailin was ordained today, the second prelate this year to be ordained with both the Vatican’s approval and recognized by the Chinese government. The ceremony took place at the Cathedral of Immaculate Conception in Changsha city, with Bishop Joseph Liu Xinhong of Anhui – an illicitly ordained prelate – taking part.