News in Church News

Ex-Pope Benedict returns to Vatican

Ex-Pope Benedict returns to Vatican

by: BBC News in Church News,

Former Pope Benedict has returned to the Vatican, two months after becoming the first pontiff to resign in 600 years. He was flown by helicopter from the Castel Gandolfo papal summer residence to live permanently in Vatican City.

Benedict XVI marks 86th birthday in Castel Gandolfo

Benedict XVI marks 86th birthday in Castel Gandolfo

by: UCA News in Church News,

Pope Emeritus Benedict XVI on Tuesday celebrates his 86th birthday as the first former pope in over 700 years at his temporary home of Castel Gandolfo, the papal summer residence near Rome. His successor Pope Francis called to wish him a happy birthday and celebrated Mass in his honor.

Five thoughts on the pope's new 'G8'

Five thoughts on the pope's new 'G8'

by: John Allen Jr - National Catholic Reporter in Church News,

A Vatican announcement yesterday that Francis has named eight cardinals to advise him on governance represents the first concrete step towards the reform that was so much in the air during the run-up to the conclave that propelled a Latin American outsider to the papacy. 

Pope meets Pope: Francis tells Benedict 'we're brothers'

Pope meets Pope: Francis tells Benedict 'we're brothers'

by: The Telegraph in Church News,

Pope Francis has flown in for lunch with his predecessor, Pope Emeritus Benedict XVI, in a cliff-top castle outside Rome - the first such encounter for nearly 720 years. The Vatican spokesman promised a general comment about the meeting, but no detailed statement. There has been enormous speculation about what the two men in white might have to say to one another after making history together.

Vatican releases Pope Francis' coat of arms, motto and ring

Vatican releases Pope Francis' coat of arms, motto and ring

by: The Telegraph in Church News,

The Latin motto beneath the crest is "miserando atque eligendo" - which refers to a Bible passage showing Jesus Christ's "mercy" in choosing Matthew, a tax collector, to be one of his disciples. "The motto recalls Pope Francis's personal vocation and he wanted to keep it," Fr Lombardi said.

UK welcomes election of new Pope Francis

UK welcomes election of new Pope Francis

by: BBC News in Church News,

Pope Francis I is the first to hail from Latin America. British politicians and religious leaders have welcomed the election of Jorge Bergoglio, the Archbishop of Buenos Aires, as the new Pope.

Jorge Mario Bergoglio is the new Pope of the Catholic Church: Francis I

Jorge Mario Bergoglio is the new Pope of the Catholic Church: Francis I

by: La Stampa - Reporter in Church News,

The Conclave has elected the Argentinean cardinal as 266th successor of Peter. The new Pope, the 76-year old Argentinean Jesuit, In the pre-Conclave General Congregations, the new Pope spoke of Christianity as merciful and joyful. His favourite priests are those who work in the “villas miserias”, the slums of the Argentinean capital.

Hit By Scandal, A Cardinal Falls – And Bails On Conclave

Hit By Scandal, A Cardinal Falls – And Bails On Conclave

by: Rocco Palmo - Whispers in the loggia in Church News,

Great Britain's lone cardinal-elector has resigned less than a month before reaching the retirement age of 75. At Roman Noon, Pope Benedict yanked Cardinal Keith O'Brien as archbishop of St Andrew's and Edinburgh three days before the pontiff's own departure from office is to take effect.

Pope B16 and the young pilgrims from UK

Pope B16 and the young pilgrims from UK

by: Paula in Church News,

The truth is that Benedict XVI for those who remember the Papal visit to the UK in 2010, he will be no small or transitional Pope, on the contrary he will be more like THE ROCK. Pope Benedict's visit to the UK was a very important moment for Catholics in the UK especially for us, the young people of the church.

Tributes to 'courageous' Pope Benedict XVI

Tributes to 'courageous' Pope Benedict XVI

by: The Tablet in Church News,

Religious leaders today paid tribute to Pope Benedict XVI, who announced this morning that he is to retire with effect from 28 February. "I ask people of faith to keep Pope Benedict in their prayers. We Catholics will do so, with great affection and the highest esteem for his ministry as our Holy Father remembering with joy his Visit to the United Kingdom in 2010" Archbishop Vincent Nichols says.

Bishop Welby's farewell to Durham Cathedral pledges to champion North-East

Bishop Welby's farewell to Durham Cathedral pledges to champion North-East

by: The Northern Echo in Church News,

Speaking ahead of a farewell service at Durham Cathedral on Monday evening, the Right Reverend Bishop Justin Welby said what he had most enjoyed about his 15 months in Durham had been the ‘‘amazing privilege’’ of meeting its people and said he would continue to fight for the North-East because it has ‘‘such potential’’.

Light from the north: Church growth in Nordic countries

Light from the north: Church growth in Nordic countries

by: Fredrik Heiding - The Tablet in Church News,

When the Nordic Bishops’ Conference met in Iceland last September, it noted an exciting new trend. The Catholic Church is growing in Scandinavia and is showing signs of vitality in several ways, one of which is the growing number of vocations both to the secular priesthood and to religious orders.

 Pope: audience with Venerable English College

Pope: audience with Venerable English College

by: Vatican Radio in Church News,

Pope Benedict XVI received the members of the community of the Venerable English College on Monday 3th of December. The meeting was the culmination of a year-long celebration marking the 650th anniversary of the of the founding of an English and Welsh Hospice on the site occupied by the College