News in Church News

Brussels: EU Bishops call for solidarity in Europe

Brussels: EU Bishops call for solidarity in Europe

by: Independent Catholic News in Church News,

The Plenary Assembly of the Austrian Bishops gathered together from 5 to 8 November in the COMECE premises to deliver a clear sign of support for Europe. “Europe needs Solidarity from all quarters “ explained Cardinal Schönborn.

Shanghai Religious undergo re-education

Shanghai Religious undergo re-education

by: UCA News in Church News,

All priests and nuns in Shanghai diocese have been forced to attend compulsory “study classes,” which observers believe were imposed by authorities in response to Auxiliary Bishop Thaddeus Ma Daqin’s controversial ordination in July.

Pope says he is a ‘pilgrim of peace’ as he arrives in Lebanon

Pope says he is a ‘pilgrim of peace’ as he arrives in Lebanon

by: By Francis X Rocca in Church News,

Pope Benedict XVI has arrived in Lebanon, saying that he comes “as a pilgrim of peace, as a friend of God and as a friend of men”. In his remarks at a welcoming ceremony at Beirut’s airport, Pope Benedict praised Lebanon, with a mixed population of Christians and Muslims, for its distinctive record of “coexistence and respectful dialogue”.

Praise for Queen's 'unshakable conviction'

Praise for Queen's 'unshakable conviction'

by: The Archbishop of Westminster, Vincent Nichols in Church News,

"Today we come to thank God for the sixty years of the reign of our Sovereign, Queen Elizabeth II. The intention of our prayer in the offering of this Mass is that God will bless her, and her family, in all that she does as our Monarch and for all that she represents in her person." The Archbishop of Westminster, Vincent Nichols, gave this address in Westminster Cathedral on 5 June 2012, the final day of the Queen's Diamond Jubilee celebrations.

London's Churches lead Olympic 'journey to peace'

London's Churches lead Olympic 'journey to peace'

by: Reporters in Church News,

For the London 2012 Olympic Games, Christian Churches in the UK have also picked up the theme of 100 days of peace around this major sporting event. It will be launched at an all night prayer vigil in London’s central Trafalgar Square on Friday June 8th by Church leaders including Archbishop Vincent Nichols of Westminster and the Anglican Bishop of London Richard Chartres.

‘Illicit’ bishop takes part in China ordination

‘Illicit’ bishop takes part in China ordination

by: UCAnews in Church News,

Bishop Methodius Qu Ailin was ordained today, the second prelate this year to be ordained with both the Vatican’s approval and recognized by the Chinese government. The ceremony took place at the Cathedral of Immaculate Conception in Changsha city, with Bishop Joseph Liu Xinhong of Anhui – an illicitly ordained prelate – taking part.

Mob attacks priests at school in Pakistan

Mob attacks priests at school in Pakistan

by: UCAnews in Church News,

Father Pervez Khalid, one other senior priest and six Church workers were assaulted by a group 70 people on April 16 after entering the playground of Cardinal Cordeiro High School which has been seized by land grabbers. One parishioner in his forties was taken to hospital after receiving several heavy blows

Pope Benedict is not alone

Pope Benedict is not alone

by: L'Osservatore Romano in Church News,

The eighth year of the pontificate of Benedict XVI is just beginning. He was elected on 19 April 2005 at the age of 78. The Pope feels their closeness in the Communio of Saints  just as he feels the friendship of so many people who pray for him every day,  or even only look at him with liking, listening attentively to his words.

The rock star who met Christ on a jog

The rock star who met Christ on a jog

by: Rory Fitzgerald - Catholic Herald in Church News,

Dion DiMucci tells Rory Fitzgerald that a ‘sudden and brilliant’ encounter inspired him to give up heroin and embrace the faith. He says that Catholics nowadays need to try to “infiltrate the culture”. “That’s our job, I think, to infiltrate the culture.” Not, he explains, to impose, but to expose “what’s important in life and give people an opportunity to see the truth.” 

The future for Cuba

The future for Cuba

by: The Tablet in Church News,

Important though it was to Mexican Catholics, Pope Benedict’s first visit to a Central American country was remarkable mainly for the stamina the 84-year-old pontiff displayed after a long and tiring journey. He made one remark that raised eyebrows, saying it was not right that the laity “should feel treated as if they hardly count in the Church”, and calling for an end to “sterile divisions, criticism and unhealthy mistrust”. 

The Pope's Message for the 27th World Youth Day in Brazil

The Pope's Message for the 27th World Youth Day in Brazil

by: L'Osservatore Romano in Church News,

Dear young friends,  I am happy to address you once more on the occasion of the 27th World Youth Day.  The memory of our meeting in Madrid last August remains close to my heart.  It was a time of extraordinary grace when God showered his blessings on the young people gathered from all over the world. Now we are looking forward to our next meeting in Rio de Janeiro in 2013, whose theme will be: “Go and make disciples of all nations!” (cf. Mt 28:19).