News in Church News

Take scripture on holiday, says Pope

Take scripture on holiday, says Pope

by: Daniel Coppen - Catholic Herald in Church News,

 Pope Benedict XVI has advised holidaymakers to pack a copy of Sacred Scripture in an address to pilgrims at Castel Gandolfo, his summer residence. Vatican spokesman Fr Federico Lombardi said the Pope had suggested to “include a copy of the Sacred Scriptures in our suitcase” follows on from his call last year for Catholics to become more familiar with the Bible.

Vatican reveals European evangelization project.

Vatican reveals European evangelization project.

by: David Kerr in Church News,

The Pontifical Council for Promoting New Evangelization unveiled a new project today to re-evangelize some of Europe’s major cities. The metropolitan missions will be aimed at those who live the faith but often do so in a way that “lacks an awareness of how this can infuse their lifestyle.” The missions also hope to engage those who are far from the faith, but are “nonetheless attracted by the person of Jesus Christ.”

Presentation of Twenty-Sixth WORLD YOUTH DAY

Presentation of Twenty-Sixth WORLD YOUTH DAY

by: Vatican Information Service (VIS) in Church News,

"Each World Youth Day is an extraordinary experience for a Church which is friend to young people, which shares their problems", said Cardinal Rylko. "A Church which places herself at the service of the new generations. It is an experience of Universal Church - unique of its kind - which embraces the entire planet, of a young Church full of enthusiasm and missionary vigour.

Vatican goes online in struggle against child abuse

Vatican goes online in struggle against child abuse

by: Agence France-Presse in Church News,

The Vatican is turning to the Internet in its struggle against child abuse with a new website allowing clergy around the world to share information on eradicating the problem. It will be “a step … on a long and painful path,” adding the website would bring together the latest research on child abuse and Church laws, while allowing churches in different countries to have their say.

Benedict XVI marks 60 years as a priest

Benedict XVI marks 60 years as a priest

by: By John Thavis - Catholic Herald in Church News,

Pope Benedict XVI has described the priesthood as a demanding and “awe-inspiring” ministry that brought him closer to God.  The Pope’s unusually personal recollection came on the 60th anniversary of his priestly ordination in Bavaria in 1951 and the feast of Ss Peter and Paul, the patron saints of Rome.

'I just launched' - Pope Benedict sends first tweet

'I just launched' - Pope Benedict sends first tweet

by: BBC in Church News,

The Pope, 84, tapped an iPad to activate the portal and send the tweet. Twitter, Facebook and YouTube are all now being used by the Vatican to spread its Christian message. Under a logo which reads ", The Vatican Today", the new portal offers "an exclusive, multimedia presentation of all the other communications websites of the Holy See".

Prelates vow to work for good of all

Prelates vow to work for good of all

by: UCA News in Church News,

Spokesman for northeast India bishops Salesian Archbishop Thomas Menamparampil of Guwahati has delivered a message to Pope Benedict XVI that his community stands ready to help the universal Church in any way that it can.

“Youcat”, the catechism for the young

“Youcat”, the catechism for the young

by: ANS –Vatican City in Church News,

In view of the next World Youth Day planned for Madrid between 16 and 21 August 2011, a handbook “Youcat” has been prepared intended to help young people in a clear and modern way to know the principal themes of the Catholic Faith.

Vatican Holds Brief, Yet Intense, Blogger Event

Vatican Holds Brief, Yet Intense, Blogger Event

by: Edward Pentin in Church News,

Opening the gathering of around 150 bloggers from around the world, Archbishop Claudio Maria Celli stressed that the meeting was aimed at reaching a "broader and deeper understanding" between blog writers and the Vatican. Father Lombardi Encourages Open and Frank Dialogue on Faith

Beatification of Pope John Paul II

Beatification of Pope John Paul II

by: Rome Reports in Church News,

Sunday's beatification is scheduled for10 a.m.Rome time at Saint Peter's Square. Once the Pope announces the beatification, a large tapestry with the smiling face of John Paul II will shine from the basilica.

Osservatore Romano: Italian daily and English edition online

Osservatore Romano: Italian daily and English edition online

by: Osservatore Romano in Church News,

At the beginning of the seventh year of Benedict XVI's Pontificate, on 19 April 2011, L'Osservatore Romano launched its new site. The various editions are now accessible (in addition to the Italian daily, the weekly editions in Italian, English, German, French, Spanish and Portuguese, and the monthly in Polish).

Japanese bishops to set up center to coordinate operations in Sendai

Japanese bishops to set up center to coordinate operations in Sendai

by: Catholic News Service in Church News,

Japan's bishops, meeting in Sendai March 16, decided to establish the center and initiate additional relief efforts under the supervision of Caritas. "Young people are continually coming to Caritas from all the dioceses to offer their availability as volunteers to bring aid to the areas most affected by the disaster,"

Cardinal Keith O'Brien: "The provision of aid must require a commitment to human rights."

Cardinal Keith O'Brien: "The provision of aid must require a commitment to human rights."

by: BBC in Church News,

The church highlighted the assassination of Pakistani minority affairs minister Shahbaz Bhatti at the start of March. Mr Bhatti was the only Christian member of the cabinet in Pakistan. Cardinal O'Brien said: "To increase aid to the Pakistan government when religious freedom is not upheld and those who speak up for religious freedom are gunned down is tantamount to an anti-Christian foreign policy.