News in Church News

Pakistani Government rewards Church people

Pakistani Government rewards Church people

by: Ayyaz Gulzar, UCA Karachi in Church News,

Sindh governor Dr Ishrat-ul-Ibad had handed Sitara-e-Quaid-e-Azam prizes to Australian priest, Father Robert McCulloch, and an Irish nun, Sister John Berkmans Conway, for their “untiring efforts in the development of the country in the fields of education, health and promoting interfaith harmony.”

Mexico crowds welcome Pope Benedict on historic visit

Mexico crowds welcome Pope Benedict on historic visit

by: BBC in Church News,

The Pope was greeted by thousands in central city of Guanajuato, and welcomed by President Felipe Calderon. Mr Calderon said the visit had enormous importance as Mexico was suffering greatly from drug-related violence. Before his arrival, the Pope said it was vital "to fight this evil" and urged the young to renounce drugs. After Mexico, he will travel to Cuba.

The Pope Begins his trip to Mexico and Cuba Under the Sign of Hope

The Pope Begins his trip to Mexico and Cuba Under the Sign of Hope

by: Vatican Information Service in Church News,

Reasons for the Pope's trip to Mexico and Cuba: The bicentenary of the independence of the peoples of Latin America; the Mexicans' enthusiastic desire to welcome the Pope; the twentieth anniversary of diplomatic relations between Mexico and the Holy See, and the four hundredth anniversary of the discovery of the image of "Nuestra Señora de la Caridad del Cobre" in Cuba.

Archbishop of Canterbury Rowan Williams to stand down

Archbishop of Canterbury Rowan Williams to stand down

by: BBC - News in Church News,

Archbishop of Canterbury Dr Rowan Williams has announced he is to stand down in December. He is stepping down and will take the position of Master of Magdalene College at the University of Cambridge from January 2013, his website says. 

Dr Williams, 61, was appointed the 104th Archbishop of Canterbury in 2002. He said stepping down had not been an easy decision.
New nuncio conveys Pope's love for Irish Catholics

New nuncio conveys Pope's love for Irish Catholics

by: Benjamin Mann - CNA in Church News,

 “I have worked for many years very closely with the Holy Father and I can tell you from my personal experience that he has always had, and he continues to have, a great love for the people of Ireland and a high regard for the Catholic Church in Ireland,” the Pope's representative said at his formal welcome.

Lent is time to help others spiritually, materially, pope says

Lent is time to help others spiritually, materially, pope says

by: Mary Shovlain -Catholic News Service in Church News,

In his Lenten message, Pope Benedict XVI called on the faithful to be concerned for one another and "not to remain isolated and indifferent" to the fate of others. Materialism and a sense of self-sufficiency are obstacles to a Christian life of charity, the pope said.

British Catholics urged to help house Olympic athletes, families

British Catholics urged to help house Olympic athletes, families

by: Simon Caldwell - Catholic News Service in Church News,

Catholics in British cities hosting events for the 2012 Olympic Games are being urged to show hospitality to athletes who cannot afford to stay in hotels. They are being encouraged to register with the Athlete Family Homestay Program and open their homes for eight days or more to Olympic and Paralympic competitors and their families from poor nations.

Faith Mattters - Lent 2012

Faith Mattters - Lent 2012

by: Westminster Diocese Website in Church News,

Faith Matters – the Diocese of Westminster’s Catholic Lecture Series – returns on Tuesday evenings in Lent 2012  to Westminster Cathedral Hall to address some of the Church’s key priorities identified by the Catholic Bishops’ of England and Wales  in their 2011 document ‘A Vision for the Church in Our Land’. 

‘Underground' Church Administrator dies in China.

‘Underground' Church Administrator dies in China.

by: UCAnews in Church News,

The news of the death of Father Lawrence Zhang Wenchang has sparked heated words on the popular Chinese website Tianzhujiao Zaixian (Catholic Church online). Some netizens praised Fr Zhang’s fidelity to Rome.  He was arrested in 1958 and sent to prison for counter-revolutionary crimes. He received reform-through-labor in a farm from 1962-82, after which he began to visit Catholics and work part-time.

Where the Church's Growth in Fastest

Where the Church's Growth in Fastest

by: Mark Riedemann - Church in Need in Church News,

The northeast corner of India is the place where the Catholic Church has grown most over the past 30 years, with an average of about 10,000 adult baptisms every year -- and this despite the fact that for many generations missionaries were banned. Mark Riedemann spoke with a bishop from the region, John Thomas Kattrukudiyil of Itanagar, Arunachal Pradesh.

Islamic court convicts Christian cleric

Islamic court convicts Christian cleric

by: Jessy Joseph - UCA in Church News,

An Islamic court in Kashmir has convicted a Protestant pastor of converting Muslims to Christianity, while another pastor and a Catholic priest have been indicted on similar charges.

Holy Father's Annual Address to the Diplomatic Corps

Holy Father's Annual Address to the Diplomatic Corps

by: Vatican Information Service in Church News,

 "Here I cannot fail to address before all else the grave and disturbing developments of the global economic and financial crisis. The crisis has not only affected families and businesses in the more economically advanced countries where it originated, creating a situation in which many people, especially the young, have felt disoriented and frustrated in their aspirations for a serene future, but it has also had a profound impact on the life of developing countries.

Guidelines for celebrating Year of Faith revealed

Guidelines for celebrating Year of Faith revealed

by: David Kerr in Church News,

The Year of Faith was announced by Pope Benedict XVI last year in his apostolic letter “Porta Fidei.” It will begin on October 11, 2012, the 50th anniversary of the opening of the Second Vatican Council. It also coincides with the 20th anniversary of the publication of the Catechism of the Catholic Church. The year will end on November 24, 2013, the Solemnity of Our Lord Jesus Christ Universal King.

The Agency FIDES publishes list of Church people killed in 2011

The Agency FIDES publishes list of Church people killed in 2011

by: Fides Agency in Church News,

The FIDES news service noted the words of Pope Benedict XVI, who said on December 26 of that year, “As in ancient times, today the sincere adherence to the Gospel may require the sacrifice of life, and many Christians in various parts of the world are sometimes exposed to persecution and martyrdom”.  Fides’ list  includes not only missionaries ad gentes in the strict sense, but all pastoral care workers who died violent deaths.

Taiz'e Youngsters in Prayer

Taiz'e Youngsters in Prayer

by: VIS in Church News,

The message to the youth of Taizè, meeting in Berlin for the traditional end of year gathering.  The Pope to the youth: "Have more confidence, to face the world's challenges".

Making Christ known in the war zone

Making Christ known in the war zone

by: Aid to Church in Need in Church News,

 Fr. Smith, who serves in Helmand Province with the Second Battalion of the Mercian Regiment, described how he arrived in Afghanistan and found that many in the armed forces wanted to know more about their faith.

Suu Kyi meets papal envoy in church in Yangon

Suu Kyi meets papal envoy in church in Yangon

by: Thomas Toe in Church News,

The Nobel Peace Prize laureate and Cardinal Renato Raffaele Martino spoke together for several minutes ahead of the celebration, the details of which were not immediately known. Her visit underscores her call for national conciliation to include all in society no matter their ethnic or religious background.