News in Church News

Filipino Priests’ Assembly: ‘A much awaited moment’

Filipino Priests’ Assembly: ‘A much awaited moment’

by: Doris Benavides in Church News,

“Historic” was the word used by Filipino priests to describe their First National Assembly held Nov. 8-11 in Los Angeles, which included an opening Mass followed by a day of workshops on spiritual growth and pastoral enrichment, a Mass at the Cathedral of Our Lady of the Angels, a priests’ concert and the election of a new leadership council.

Thousands welcome pope on visit to Benin

Thousands welcome pope on visit to Benin

by: Jean-Louis de la Vaissiere | AFP News in Church News,

 He prayed for Mary to "fulfill the noblest aspirations of African youths, fulfill the hearts that hunger for justice, peace and reconciliation, fulfill the hopes of child victims of hunger and war." His trip is likely to bring into focus the enormous potential of many nations on a continent with the world's fastest growing number of Catholics, but also its numerous struggles.

Clerics and Queen gather to mark 400 years of Bible translation

Clerics and Queen gather to mark 400 years of Bible translation

by: Stephen Bates - The Guardian in Church News,

 The Very Rev John Hall, the abbey's dean, told the 2,000-strong congregation: "We acknowledge with gratitude the work's lasting influence on our national language and culture and on the faith, language and culture wherever the English language has reached throughout the world. Above all, we pray that we and all people may continue to be uplifted and transformed by the great story the Bible tells."

Cambridge University chapel is blessed

Cambridge University chapel is blessed

by: Catholic Herald in Church News,

Archbishop Vincent Nichols of Westminster blessed the new chapel at Cambridge University Catholic chaplaincy on Sunday October 30. Currently 450 people, both junior and senior members of the university, regularly attend Mass at Fisher House.

A feminine perspective on the New Evangelization

A feminine perspective on the New Evangelization

by: Rome Reports in Church News,

 Promoting the New Evangelization is becoming a priority for the Catholic Church. The pope is calling on everyone to revitalize the message of the Gospel, and that of course, includes women. "We believe that in this case specifically, women can contribute so much in matters of listening, creativity and beauty,” says Marta Rodríguez, director of the Institute of Advanced Studies on Women in Rome.

Benedict XVI announces Year of Faith

Benedict XVI announces Year of Faith

by: Cindy Weeden - Catholic Herald in Church News,

 Pope Benedict XVI has announced a “Year of Faith” to help Catholics appreciate the gift of faith, deepen their relationship with God and strengthen their commitment to sharing faith with others. Celebrating Mass on Sunday with participants in a Vatican conference on new evangelisation, the Pope said the Year of Faith would give “renewed energy to the mission of the whole Church to lead men and women out of the desert they often are in and toward the place of life: friendship with Christ who gives us fullness of life”.

Church, groups condemn killing of Italian priest in the Philippines

Church, groups condemn killing of Italian priest in the Philippines

by: Malu Cadelina Manar - CathNews in Church News,

 Lone gunman reportedly kills Fr. Fausto Tentorio, a leading anti-crime campaigner in Kidapawan, Mindanao. The priest was due to attend a regular meeting of Kidapawan diocese clergy at the house of Bishop Romulo de la Cruz in Kidapawan City today. Father Tentorio had been an active law and order campaigner in Arakan town. Only recently, he was appointed as head of a civilian anti-criminal task force in the town.

London 2012: "100 days of peace" campaign is launched

London 2012: "100 days of peace" campaign is launched

by: BBC in Church News,
The Olympics must be remembered "for peace as well as sport", the brother of a teenager killed in London has said. George Mizen, 12, is joining thousands of British children from nearly 500 Catholic schools in London, Essex, Kent and Hertfordshire to call for "100 days of peace" around next year's Games.
The schoolboy lost his brother Jimmy, 16, when he was stabbed at a bakery in Lee, south-east London, in May 2008. A mass will be held at Westminster Cathedral later to launch the campaign.
Thousands welcome Vatican envoy to Vietnam

Thousands welcome Vatican envoy to Vietnam

by: ucanews in Church News,

 The visiting non-resident pontifical representative for Vietnam has received a rapturous welcome in the south as he continues his working tour of the country “Catholics should have a clear conscience and live a life of love as a way to sow the seeds of the Good News in this country,” Archbishop Leopoldo Girelli told some 20,000 people who attended a special Mass at the Pilgrimage Center of Our Lady at Tan Hiep in Kien Giang province on Monday.

Vietnamese Catholic dictionary a first

Vietnamese Catholic dictionary a first

by: UCN in Church News,

 Church people expect the first Vietnamese Catholic dictionary, launched with great fanfare yesterday, will make a major contribution in developing theology in Vietnam.  “Today I would like to introduce you to the first Catholic Dictionary in Vietnamese,” Bishop Paul Bui Van Doc of My Tho, head of the bishops’ Episcopal Commission for the Doctrine of the Faith, told about 200 Catholics at the launch ceremony yesterday at the Archbishop’s Residence in Ho Chi Minh City.

New United Kingdom AMBASSADOR to the HOLY SEE

New United Kingdom AMBASSADOR to the HOLY SEE

by: VIS in Church News,

 The Holy Father received the Letters of Credence of Nigel Marcus Baker, the new British ambassador to the Holy See.  "The Holy See and the United Kingdom continue to share a common concern for peace among nations, the integral development of peoples throughout the world, ... and the spread of authentic human rights..."

UGANDA: Inflation Threatens Formation of New Priests

UGANDA: Inflation Threatens Formation of New Priests

by: CISA in Church News,

Rampant inflation and other severe economic troubles are threatening to close seminaries in Uganda, despite the growing number of catholic priestly vocations. Despite over 1,000 young men preparing for the priesthood in the country’s five seminaries last year alone, there is still a shortage of priests in many parts of the country. Forty five percent of Uganda’s population of 33 million is Catholic.

British Catholics give £3m to Africa

British Catholics give £3m to Africa

by: Ed West - atholic Herald in Church News,

The money was donated through Cafod, the agency of the Bishops’ Conference of England and Wales. Cafod director Chris Bain said the sum was “a tremendous tribute to Catholic communities which – despite the economic hardships at home – have once again shown overwhelming generosity towards those in need”.

Atheists running the Church? Spare us

Atheists running the Church? Spare us

by: Cardinal Joseph Zen Zekiun, SDB, - Asia News in Church News,

 These last few days Catholic faithful inside and outside China have noted with sadness and indignation words pronounced by Mr Liu Bainian, Rev Guo Jincai, Mgr Fang Xingyao and Rev Yang yu, which are hardly distinguishable from being schismatic. But today's statement by the Religious Affairs Bureau has reached the extreme of absurdity.