News in Church News

Chinese authorities take down Catholic Church cross

Chinese authorities take down Catholic Church cross

by: Reporter - in Church News,

More than 1,700 crosses have been removed in Zhejiang province since the end of 2013. Chinese authorities have taken down the first Catholic Church cross this year in Wenzhou Diocese in the latest sign the removal campaign in Zhejiang province is continuing.

Synod's final document focuses on discernment in familiy life

Synod's final document focuses on discernment in familiy life

by: Vatican News in Church News,

It’s hard to describe the mix of emotions that washed around the Synod Hall on Saturday at the close of this three week meeting. Elation, exhaustion, incredulity and relief were certainly among the reactions I heard from Synod Fathers as they worked their way painstakingly through all 94 points of their lengthy final text. 

Timor-Leste to sign historic treaty with the Vatican

Timor-Leste to sign historic treaty with the Vatican

by: Michael Sainsbury-UCAnews in Church News,

Asia’s newest country, Timor-Leste, will sign a concordat with the Vatican’s secretary of state, Cardinal Pietro Parolin, on Aug. 15 when it celebrates 500 years of evangelization to mark the arrival of the Portuguese in 1615. The treaty has been under negotiation since 2006 but was not finalized until two months ago.

‘Our task is not to run a university’

‘Our task is not to run a university’

by: Christopher Lamb-The Tablet in Church News,
The loss of this prestigious higher education institution and the rejection of a planned merger with a neighbouring university was met with dismay last week. Here the Jesuit provincial explains why the order made its decision. With the announcement of the closure of its flagship educational institution, Heythrop College, The Tablet last week asked if the Society of Jesus was effectively pulling out of its mission in Britain.
Filipino Cardinal Tagle voted president of Caritas global network

Filipino Cardinal Tagle voted president of Caritas global network

by: Abigail Frymann Rouch, Hannah Roberts in Rome - The Tablet in Church News,

Philippines Cardinal Luis Antonio Tagle has been elected president of Caritas, the international confederation of more than 150 Catholic development agencies. The cardinal-archbishop of Manila, dubbed “the Asian Pope Francis”, succeeds Honduran Cardinal Oscar Rodriguez Maradiaga, who has served two four-year terms as president.

Pope announces special Catholic Church Holy Year on theme of mercy

Pope announces special Catholic Church Holy Year on theme of mercy

by: Philip Pullella - Reuters in Church News,

Pope Francis announced on Friday the Roman Catholic Church will mark an extraordinary Holy Year, one of its most important events, in which faithful make pilgrimages to Rome and other religious sites around the world. Making the surprise announcement in St. Peter's Basilica on the second anniversary of his election, Francis said the Holy Year will focus on the topic of mercy, one of the most important themes of his papacy.

Pope Francis calls for religious freedom as he canonizes Sri Lanka's first saint

Pope Francis calls for religious freedom as he canonizes Sri Lanka's first saint

by: Joe Torres and Quintus Colombage, UCAnews in Church News,

Pope Francis called for respect of "religious freedom as a fundamental right" in Sri Lanka as he declared missionary priest Joseph Vaz the country's first saint. Speaking slowly in English, the pope said each individual "must be free, alone or in association with others, to seek the truth, and to openly express his or her religious convictions, free from intimidation and external compulsion".

Pope Francis travels to Turkey

Pope Francis travels to Turkey

by: Constanze Letsch in Istanbul, John Hooper in Rome - The Guardia in Church News,

Pope Francis embarks on one of the most delicate missions of his 18-month-old papacy on Friday, when he is expected to wrestle with the problems of Christian persecution in the Muslim world and tackle relations with Islam in a time of spreading jihadism during his visit to Turkey.

Cupich becomes 9th archbishop of Chicago

Cupich becomes 9th archbishop of Chicago

by: DON BABWIN - Associated Press in Church News,

Blase Cupich is poised to become the archbishop of Chicago on Tuesday when his predecessor hands him a bishop's staff and relinquishes the chair that symbolizes the leadership of the nation's third-largest diocese.

Seven Christians arrested in Laos for attending church

Seven Christians arrested in Laos for attending church

by: Reporter in Church News,

Local officials in Laos arrested seven Christians for meeting for worship on Sunday, according to a rights group. Security officials and police arrested the Christians as they ate lunch after meeting for worship in the home of pastor Sompong Supatto, according to Human Rights Watch for Lao Religious Freedom (HRWLRF).

Marcus Stock Appointed Bishop of Leeds

Marcus Stock Appointed Bishop of Leeds

by: Reporters in Church News,

Pope Francis has appointed Mgr Marcus Stock Bishop-elect of Leeds diocese. Mgr Marcus is a proven administrator having been General Secretary of the Catholic Bishops’ Conference of England and Wales (November 2009 to date) and Acting Director of the Catholic Education Service

We have a new friend bishop

We have a new friend bishop

by: Reporters - Westminster News in Church News,

"The first work of the bishop is prayer. His first enthusiasm is for prayer. He is to pray boldly, arguing with God for the sake of his people. Then, secondly, he is to stay close to the people, in his heart and in how he spends his days. In a bishop, said Pope Francis, there can be 'no psychology of princes'. He is always to be a servant.